Pre-made lentiviral particles expressing a fusion target of (GFP-human Histone 2B). The sequence verified human Histone 2B (H2B) codon sequence was fusioned at its N-terminal with GFP at its N-terminal, expressed under a consitutive suCMV promoter, containing a puromycin antibiotic marker under the RSV promoter.
Fluorescent labeled H2B allowed high-resolution imaging of both mitotic chromosomes and interphase chromatin, and the latter revealed various chromatin condensation states in live cells. It can directly observe the Double Minute Chromosomes (DMs) in living cells without compromising nuclear and chromosomal structures.
Please see product manual for details.
Amount: 200ul/vial (1×107 IFU/ml), provided in DMEM medium with 10% FBS and 60ug/ml Polybrene (10x).
Cat#: LVP444-G